How I Bring Value
The Problem I solve
The Promise I make

Business leaders get so consumed with day-today running of their businesses they lose sight of their wellbeing and need for ongoing personal development. Forgetting that they can’t be good at everything, they spend time working on tasks that would be much better done by someone else. Not having a clear idea of their personal strengths, they spend 80% of their time pushing themselves to achieve tasks for which they are not suited, leading to exhaustion and even burnout. When stress levels rise, their weaknesses show up and sabotage their good intent. They lack the time to think, reflect and gain perspective and are often on a slippery slope which can lead to the failure of their businesses.
Through developing their authentic leadership style, they can play to their strengths, create an environment where everyone in their organisation can do their best work, through mindful daily practice continually grow, learn, reflect, refresh and innovate, inspiring followership and building a sustainable business and a better future for all.

5 Ways We Can Work Together

4 hour cultural orientation workshop
An interactive workshop, where based on a series of questions, participants in small groups build 4 collages in answer to the questions posed. You will be able to start to understand previously puzzling interactions with people from other cultural backgrounds. Lots of fun, lots of learning…. And the start of your personal journey towards intercultural competence.
Coaching Positive Intelligence
8 week foundation programme
This 8-week programme will have a positive impact on your performance, general sense of calm and wellbeing and improve the quality of your relationships with others.
Start to build your saboteur interceptor muscle
Start getting to know your personal saboteurs
Learn to strengthen and grow your self-command muscle
Start to learn about your five sage powers and how to access them.
Leadership Coaching
Leadership coaching focuses on the development of key leadership competencies. The competencies worked on are selected by the client and would typically range from strategic planning to how to influence effectively, conflict management, change leadership, stress management, time management, and much more.
Coaching for Intercultural Competence and PQ coaching
Leadership coaching for intercultural competence, including coaching for positive intelligence. 16 coaching sessions. Six sessions for positive intelligence and 10 for intercultural competence.
Group leadership coaching for intercultural Competence
One year one on one Platinum consulting where I will be your "Sustainability Director". The group coaching process is collaborative and inclusive with each group agreeing goals and then learning together in a safe and exciting multicultural space.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
- Nelson Mandela